Presentation: Core Protocols Mini Workshop

Track: Ask Me Anything and Open Space

Location: Times Square, 7th flr.

Duration: 1:40pm - 2:30pm

Day of week:


Your team can be ten times better.

What does that mean? That means your professional team can accomplish 10x more work, do it with 10x more quality, 10x faster, or with 10x less resources. Your family can be 10x happier. Your school can be 10x more effective at helping people learn. Your community group can be 10x better at making life better for the people it serves. Even you yourself can be 10x more effective at getting what you want.

In other words, you can be great. Your team can be great.

Can you say these things about your teams?

  1. My projects are completed effortlessly on schedule and in budget every time.
  2. Every team I’ve ever been on has shared a vision.
  3. In meetings, we only ever do what will get results.
  4. No one blames “management," or anyone else, if they don’t get what they want.
  5. Everybody shares their best ideas right away.
  6. Ideas are immediately unanimously approved, improved, or rejected by the team.
  7. Action on approved ideas begins immediately.
  8. Conflict is always resolved swiftly and productively.

The Core Protocols are one way to make teams that have these characteristics. In this mini-workshop, we explore an introduction to how Core Protocols work and how you can help your team be great

Speaker: Harold Shinsato

Agile & Software Craftsmanship Coach

Harold is an independent Agile and software craftsmanship coach, a facilitator, speaker, and culture hacker. Harold co-founded Montana Code School and continues to assist with agile process and technical practies. He co-authored The OpenSpace Agility Handbook and software patent 6108698. He cultivates culture change through social technologies including The Core ProtocolsOpen Space TechnologyCo-Active Coaching, and applying agile approaches for clients like SAP, Intuit, Capital One, MIT's Medicine Hackathons, the University of Montana, Oregon State University, the Agile Coaching Institute, and more. Harold sits on the board of the Open Space Institute and is founder & Executive Director of Montana Agile Culture House which facilitates culture change towards agility in the state of Montana.

Find Harold Shinsato at