Presentation: Rethinking HCI With Neural Interfaces @CTRLlabsco

Track: Modern User Interfaces: Screens and Beyond

Location: Majestic Complex, 6th fl.

Duration: 1:40pm - 2:30pm

Day of week:

Level: Intermediate - Advanced

Persona: General Software

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Brain-computer interfaces, neuromuscular interfaces, and other machine-learning driven biosensing techniques can eliminate the need for physical controllers. In the context of interaction design, “control” is the process of transforming intention in the mind into action taken in the world (or machine).  When freed from the familiar bonds of the keyboard, mouse, game controller, and touch screen, we’re faced with a clean slate and an epic design challenge. What happens when we decouple the user interface from hand-held hardware? We'll discuss this and the emerging field of neural interaction design.

Speaker: Adam Berenzweig

Director of R&D @CTRLlabsCo

Adam has been building technology around machine learning and AI for over 15 years. He's currently the Director of R&D at CTRL-Labs, building the world's first practical, non-invasive neural interface -- a device worn on the arm that taps into the flow of information from the brain to the hand. Previously he was the founding CTO of Clarifai, an early pioneer in deep learning and image recognition. From 2003 to 2013 he was a software engineer at Google, where he built the music recommender for Google Play Music, and worked on Photo Search and Google News. He received his PhD from Columbia in 2006, and played in several bands you never heard of.

Find Adam Berenzweig at

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