Presentation: Translytical Databases & the New Data-Driven Apps

Track: Sponsored Solutions Track III

Location: Liberty, 8fl.

Duration: 10:35am - 11:25am

Day of week:


Developing modern data driven applications requires a re-examination of the building blocks developers have come to rely on – the database system. In this session, we will discuss the implications for application development using a multi-modal, in-memory data processing environment. We will explain, how this creates a new data programming model applications which give you the flexibility to adjust and expand data models over time, and share an architecture blueprint for building data driven applications.

Speaker: Lucia Subatin

SAP Developer Advocate

A proud geek, Lucía is a Developer Evangelist in the SAP Developer Relations team. Her mission is to bring developers closer to SAP HANA. Her contribution towards the community is based on enabling content and facilitating adoption by exploring and sharing more and better ways to capitalize the power of the platform.

Find Lucia Subatin at