Speaker: Thomas Wuerthinger

Graal Compiler Architect @Oracle

Thomas Wuerthinger is a Senior Research Director at Oracle Labs leading programming language implementation teams for languages including Java, JavaScript, Ruby, and R. He is the architect of the Graal compiler and the Truffle self-optimizing runtime system. Previously, he worked on the Crankshaft optimizing compiler of V8 at Google, and the Maxine research virtual machine at Sun Microsystems. He received a PhD degree from JKU Linz for his research about dynamic code evolution.

Find Thomas Wuerthinger at:


Maximizing Performance with GraalVM

GraalVM project enhances the Java ecosystem with an integrated, polyglot, high-performance execution environment for dynamic, static, and native languages. GraalVM supports Java, Scala, Kotlin, Groovy, and other JVM-based languages. At the same time, it can run the dynamic scripting languages JavaScript including node.js, Ruby, R, and Python.  

In this session we will discuss the best practices for Java code and compiler configurations to maximize performance with GraalVM and how to measure performance in a reliable manner. We will talk about how to achieve minimal memory footprint and binary size of GraalVM native images — programs compiled ahead of time to native executables. A comparison of profile-guided optimizations for ahead-of-time compilation and just-in-time compilation will show the benefits and drawbacks of the two approaches. After this session you will have a better idea how to use GraalVM for the maximum potential to run your applications faster!


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Modern Java Innovations




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