Speaker: Ray Tsang

Technology Architect @Google

Ray is a Developer Advocate for the Google Cloud Platform. Ray had extensive hands on cross-industry enterprise systems integration delivery and management experiences during his time at Accenture, managed full stack application development, DevOps, and ITOps. Ray specialized in middleware, big data, and PaaS products during his time at Red Hat while contributing to open source projects, such as Infinispan. Aside from technology, Ray enjoys traveling and adventures.

Find Ray Tsang at:


Knative Workshop

For the past several years, Google has worked on and released several critical cloud-native platforms abstracting away more and more underlying infrastructure into well-defined processes that can work across different environments.  

Atop of infrastructure is Kubernetes for container management. Followed by Istio to manage service to service communications. Now with Knative, a platform built atop of Kubernetes and Istio to build, deploy, and manage workloads.  

In this talk, we will introduce Knative, how it works, and how to configure it to easily build and deploy Spring Boot microservices from source and spinning up microservice instances on-demand through Knative's serverless capabilities. Lastly, we’ll take a look at using function framework like Spring Cloud Function to build and deploy.


Level Beginner




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