Past Presentations

Coinbase Commerce: A User-Controlled Payment Processor

Coinbase Commerce is a user-controlled payment processor. Since launching in February 2018, we have processed millions of dollars worth of transactions totally free. We never hold the merchants funds, which means the merchant is always the sole custodian and guardian of their funds via a private...

Amy Yin Software Engineer @Coinbase
Serverless Patterns and Anti-Patterns

Serverless has amazing potential to increase organizational agility and decrease operational costs, but realizing those benefits requires proper implementation. In this talk, we will cover the ideal patterns for serverless applications, anti-patterns for both greenfield applications and...

Joe Emison CTO @Branch
Scaling Push Messaging for Millions of Devices @Netflix

How do you efficiently serve the latest personalized movie recommendations to millions of Netflix members, as soon as they are ready? Netflix recently rolled out Zuul Push - a massively scalable push notification service that handles millions of "always-on" persistent connections from all those...

Susheel Aroskar Software Engineer @Netflix
Serving Millions of Customers Serverless at CapitalOne

Serverless technologies are playing an increasingly significant role in modernization efforts at Capital One. In this talk we will share how Capital One migrated customer accounts and transactions to a completely serverless architecture and built a scalable, resilient, and fast Transactions...

Srini Uppalapati Vice President, Consumer Bank Engineering @CapitalOne
Kiran Satelli Senior Manager @CapitalOne


Amy Yin Software Engineer @Coinbase

Coinbase Commerce: A User-Controlled Payment Processor

QCon: Do I need to know anything about crypto or blockchain to attend this talk?

Amy: Absolutely not! Amy will explain private and public keys as well as blockchain addresses, which is all that is needed to understand the talk.

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Joe Emison CTO @Branch

Serverless Patterns and Anti-Patterns

What’s the structure of this talk?

I strongly believe in getting the definition right and also talking about what I’m optimizing for. I will start with when I say serverless what do I mean. It’s about achieving business goals. It’s about not doing the undifferentiated heavy lifting. It’s about spending 95% (or more_ of your in-house developers time on...

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Susheel Aroskar Software Engineer @Netflix

Scaling Push Messaging for Millions of Devices @Netflix

Zuul is your API gateway right? What is the relationship between Zuul and Zuul Push?

Yes, Zuul is Netflix’ API gateway (all of the Netflix HTTP API traffic passed through Zuu). We took the Zuul code base and grafted Zuul Push on it, so it's a different offering. But they share 90% of the same code base.

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