Speaker: Angelo Prado

Senior Director, Application Security Engineering @Jet

Angelo Prado is the Senior Director of Application Security at Jet.com / Walmart. Prior to his current role he was a Director of Product Security at Salesforce, led a Security Engineering team and managed one of the largest Bug Bounty Programs in the industry. Mr. Prado has also worked as a Software Engineer at Microsoft and Motorola, delivering key contributions to their security product lines.     

Mr. Prado is one of the authors of BREACH, a security exploit against SSL which leverages a compression side channel to derive secrets from the cipher-text in an HTTPS stream. As a thought leader of the security community, Mr. Prado frequently speaks at major conferences worldwide, including Black Hat USA (2017, 2014, 2013), Black Hat Asia (2015), ToorCon (2013, 2015), SecTor, Hacker Halted, TakeDownCon, SC Congress, Georgetown University and more.     

Mr. Prado also serves as an strategic advisor to HackerOne and as a member of the advisory board at COMFIE, a 501(c) 3 non-profit educational organization. In his spare time, he teaches a graduate class as an associate professor at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, eats Spanish ham and has personally discovered and contributed to over a dozen CVEs.

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