Speaker: Robin van Zijll

Site Reliability Engineer & Product Owner on the SRE Team @ingnl

Robin has been working on reliability related topics since 2010 within ING Bank the Netherlands. Currently Robin applies his war room experiences to help other engineers with operations related problems by creating a reliability toolset and offer advice. As Product Owner, he's responsible for a Reliability Toolkit based on Prometheus. Besides the toolkit, Robin is also responsible for setting up a secure container platform based on a Service Mesh. 


Making a Lion Bulletproof: SRE in Banking

Within ING, the largest bank of the Netherlands, we aim to be a tech company with a banking license. We have adopted DevOps as our way of working, use open source tools and technologies and adopt best practices from industry and the engineering community. However, we always have to take into account that we are a financial organization dealing with regulation and public opinion.

To improve the reliability of our services and keep up with regulator demands, we introduced SRE to the bank three years ago. This talk will cover history, present and future of our SRE team and practices. In doing so, we will touch upon people (hiring, coaching, organizational aspects, culture), process (way of working, education) and technology (observability, infrastructure), hoping to share lessons learned that can be applied to any organization starting or growing SRE, financial or not.


Soho Complex, 7th fl.


Architecting for Success when Failure is Guaranteed


FinTechFinancial ApplicationsDevOpsSite Reliability Engineering


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