Presentation: Adopting Stream Processing for Instrumentation

Track: Stream Processing at Large

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Level: Intermediate

Persona: Data Scientist

What You’ll Learn

  • Learn how to create a literate interface for stream queries.
  • Understand how Elixir can be used with React to build interactive interfaces.
  • Discover how stream processing can be applied to operational visibility problems.


In the midst of building a multi-datacenter, multi-tenant instrumentation and visibility system, we arrived at stream processing as an alternative to storing, forwarding, and post-processing metrics as traditional systems do. However, the streaming paradigm is alien to many engineers and sysadmins who are used to working with "wall-of-graphs" dashboards, predefined aggregates, and point-and-click alert configuration.

Taking inspiration from REPLs, literate programming, and DevOps practices, we've designed an interface to our instrumentation system that focuses on interactive feedback, note-taking, and team communication. An engineer can both experiment with new flows at low risk, and codify longer-term practices into runbooks that embed live visualizations of instrumentation data. As a result, we can start to free our users from understanding the mechanics of the stream processor and instead focus on the domain of instrumentation.

In this talk, we will discuss how the interface described above works, how the stream processor manages flows on behalf of the user, and some tradeoffs we have encountered while preparing the system to roll out into our organization.


QCon: What is the difference between stream processing and aggregation?


Cribbs: With my background working on distributed databases I realized writing to disk first and then trying to process it afterwards is really expensive. It's fine for generating business intelligence afterwards, or if you want to aggregate ahead of time before you write to disk it's fine. But if you're trying to look at an individual, like a single customer who has had a bad experience, aggregates don't help you. You just want to look at the very focused events that are related to that person's bad experience. I think that stream processing is a really good fit for that sort of use case, finding the really tiny needles in a haystack.

That said people don't necessarily know how to write incremental computations over instrumentation data. How do we make it easier for people to get into this, not just to get started but to keep developing their understanding of their own data as it goes through the stream processing system?

So you have all this data flowing in: what you do with it, do you even know what's there? In some cases you do because you wrote their instrumentation for the application and it's emitting data like a request span with the latency measurement, but I think there is still a barrier to entry. Instead of thinking of it procedurally, you have to be thinking of it as a stream, and do things with windows and across different dimensions. It's an unfamiliar problem to a lot of people.

So we wanted to create a really guided interface with a lot of interactivity and contextual help, and the ability to write down what you learned when you wrote that little program, and to provide context for the next person who picks it up.


QCon: Your abstract says you take inspiration from REPLs and then you mention about run books. Are you going to be talking about interacting with the data?


Cribbs: So it's a web user interface. You write a document with markup in the middle of it: you have code blocks which represent individual stream pipelines. At the end of the pipeline something says display graph or show a table of the last 10 events that match this criterion. As you edit it you can run it and it will show you the matching live data stream.


QCon: It's like a run book - is it Python or a DSL that you're running?


Cribbs: We have built up a lot of infrastructure in Elixir - it's the stuff that we're using under the hood, but we've built a pretty interesting DSL on top because we know that we can focus that on operational instrumentation data. At every stage of the stream we have a schema, so we can optimize around that.

Two of our engineers are really familiar with the Elixir ecosystem, myself one of them. But there's also some dynamism to it that makes it compelling: one of the great things that we can do is take that stream processing program in and then manipulate the AST and rewrite it and then put it into action.


QCon: What about the front end; what are you using on the front end?


Cribbs: We're using some of the tools that come with Elixir, including a web framework called Phoenix, but a lot of it is React. So much of our stack is so different from rest the company, being based on Elixir. If we want people to come in and work on our project, Elixir is enough of a barrier, so we decided to pass on things like Elm or ClojureScript - let's just have plain JavaScript.

Our department does rotations regularly, every month basically. Senior level folks are not going to have a problem with new front end languages, but if we have not-so-senior people rotating in, it's easier to do JavaScript.


QCon: What's the level and who is the primary persona for your talk?


Cribbs: This is an intermediate level talk. There will be some deep concepts and I would say a lot of it will be about how designed the user interface. The message is stream processing systems are awesome but you need to think about the end-user of those systems and make them accessible.

Speaker: Sean Cribbs

Software Engineer @Comcast

Sean Cribbs is a distributed systems and web architecture enthusiast, currently building innovative cloud and infrastructure software at Comcast Cable. Previously, Sean spent five years with Basho Technologies contributing to nearly every part of Riak including client libraries, CRDTs and tools. In his free time, he has ported Basho’s Webmachine HTTP server toolkit from Erlang to Ruby, created a popular parser-generator for Erlang, and has contributed to many other open-source projects, including Chef, Homebrew, and Radiant CMS.

Find Sean Cribbs at

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