Stream Processing
Scaling DB Access for Billions of Queries Per Day @PayPal
As microservices scale and proliferate, they add increasing load on databases in terms of connections and resource usage. Open sourced in the Go programming language, Hera (High Efficiency Reliable Access to data stores) scales thousands of PayPal’s applications with connection...
Data Engineering Open Space
Details to follow.
Past Presentations
Personalizing Netflix with Streaming Datasets
Streaming applications have historically been complex to design and implement because of the significant infrastructure investment. However, recent active developments in various streaming platforms provide an easy transition to stream processing, and enable analytics applications/experiments to...
Adopting Stream Processing for Instrumentation
In the midst of building a multi-datacenter, multi-tenant instrumentation and visibility system, we arrived at stream processing as an alternative to storing, forwarding, and post-processing metrics as traditional systems do. However, the streaming paradigm is alien to many engineers and...
Streaming Microservices: Contracts & Compatibility
In a world of microservices that communicate via unbounded streams of events, schemas are the contracts between the services. Having an agreed contract allows the teams developing those services to move fast, by reducing the risk involved in making changes. Yet delivering events with schema...