Presentation: Architecture & Algorithms Powering Search @ZocDoc

Track: Architectures You've Always Wondered About

Location: Broadway Ballroom North, 6th fl.

Day of week:

Slides: Download Slides

Level: Intermediate

Persona: Architect, CTO/CIO/Leadership, Developer


Most physician search systems require patients to know exactly what they’re looking for, either in terms of the appropriate specialty for a given condition or the medical terminology to describe the condition. At Zocdoc, we have built a patient friendly search system to power our core doctor discovery and booking platform using various products from the AWS stack and custom Machine Learning pipelines. This talk will focus on the anatomy of our Patient Powered Search and will cover both the architecture and algorithms that enable us to go from “ear ache” to “otolaryngologist.”

Speaker: Pedro Rubio

Engineering Manager @Zocdoc

Pedro is the Head of Search Engineering at Zocdoc, and online marketplace and booking tool. Pedro is a technology lead with over 15 years of experience dealing with operating systems, electronic trading systems, and full stack web development. Pedro’s specialty is taking disparate and complex systems and simplifying them to create powerful solutions. He’s passionate about plotting paths forward through the toughest problems (like simplifying the process to find a doctor!)

Find Pedro Rubio at

Speaker: Brian D'Alessandro

Director of Data Science @Zocdoc

Brian is the Head of Data Science at Zocdoc, an online doctor marketing place and booking tool, and is also an Adjunct Professor for NYU's Center for Data Science graduate program. Prior to Zocdoc, Brian was VP of Data Science at Dstillery, an online advertising firm. Brian is a veteran data scientist and leader with over 15 years of experience developing machine learning driven practices and products. Brian holds several patents and has published dozens of peer reviewed articles on the subjects of causal inference, large scale machine learning and data science ethics. Brian is also the drummer for the critically acclaimed indie rock band Coastgaard.

Find Brian D'Alessandro at

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