Presentation: Data-Driven Off A Cliff

Track: Sponsored Solutions Track I

Location: Shubert - Uris, 6th fl.

Day of week:


Metrics and analytics are crucial for building successful products at scale. Data is powerful. However, the room for misuse is significant — hence the cliche about lies, damned lies, and statistics. In this talk, we explored some of the ways you can use data to drive yourself right off a cliff. Specifically, we talked about anti-patterns in evidence-based decision making, meaning we described exactly what not to do with your data.

Speaker: Tom Wilbur

Product Director, Analytics

Tom Wilbur is a product director at Indeed. For the last 2 years, he's been helping Indeed double-down on the power of data to illuminate the path toward helping people find jobs. He loves to wrestle complex problems into a tidy representation, but he knows that reality is not easily contained between curly braces. He's deeply committed to making evidence-based decisions, which is why he nearly became divorced picking out towels in Bed Bath & Beyond.

Find Tom Wilbur at

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