Workshop: Advanced State Management with Redux

Location: Marquis C, 9th fl.

Duration: 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Day of week: Thursday

Level: Advanced

Key Takeaways

  • Learn how Redux works outside of a React application
  • Understand the inner-workings of the React-Redux bindings.
  • Write custom middleware for Redux.
  • Work with asynchronous APIs.
  • Structure application state for optimal performance and maintainability.
  • Implement patterns such as time-travelling.


  • You should be comfortable with JavaScript.
  • Some React knowledge is required, but if you attended the React workshop earlier in the day, you will be able to follow along!
  • You'll need a recent version of Node.js installed on your computer with administrative access.
  • You'll also want the following extensions for Google Chrome.

React Developer Tools
Redux Developer Tools

Managing application state in a way that is both performant and maintainable is no small task. Redux offers a battle-tested solution for managing state in large, production-scale applications. That said, it can be overwhelming to wrap your head around when you're beginning and even trickier when you're learning it in the context of a React application. It this workshop, we'll look at Redux in its simplest form. We'll explore best practices for structuring your data and binding your application state to a React application. We'll implement advanced patterns such as undo/redo, middleware, and asynchronous actions that work with a server-side API.

Speaker: Steve Kinney

Principal Engineer @SendGrid

Steve is a senior principal engineer and front-end architect at Twilio SendGrid. He is the author of Electron in Action. Steve is the director emeritus and founder of the front-end engineering program at the Turing School for Software and Design—a non-profit developer training program. He is an organizer of DinosaurJS, a JavaScript conference in Denver, Colorado and an instructor for Frontend Masters.

Find Steve Kinney at


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