Workshop: Chaos Engineering in Practice

Location: Marquis A&B, 9th fl.

Duration: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Day of week: Friday

Level: All

Key Takeaways

  • Knowledge of what Chaos Engineering is and is not
  • An updated view of the Chaos Engineering landscape
  • What makes a good Chaos Engineering Experiment
  • How system maturity matters when choosing Chaos
  • What tools exist to run your own experiments
  • What starting places exist to continue research
  • Strategies for running a successful Game Day
  • Importance of team diversity and Common Ground
  • Approaches for broader adoption of Chaos Engineering in your organization
  • Knowledge sharing with similarly interested minds in the industry


Bring a laptop for hands-on sessions. Exercises will utilize technologies like Kubernetes and Containers, but no prior experience is required to get full value from the workshop. Having a local kubernetes instance already installed (e.g. Minikube or Docker) will be an advantage.

The practice of Chaos Engineering has emerged as a critical tool for the Continuous Verification of resilient systems. It is a proven technique not only for confirming the graceful extensibility of the distributed systems we build, but also for discovering features of the system that were assumed or even unknown. Building confidence in the system's capability to withstand turbulent conditions in production through scientific experimentation has helped make hundreds of high-profile technology companies - like Netflix, LinkedIn, and Capital One - overcome brittleness and improve availability.

This workshop introduces the main concepts of Chaos Engineering through the following topics: Introduction to Chaos Engineering, System Maturity Model, Building Common Ground through Game Days, and Wider Adoption. Participants will engage in interactive sessions during each section including active discussion, hands-on exercises, and group collaboration. By the end of the workshop, attendees will walk away with a better understanding of Chaos Engineering and knowledge of the tools available to get started and how to help your organization embrace Chaos Engineering.

Speaker: Matt Davis

Senior Infrastructure Engineer @verica_io

Matt Davis has a passion for exploring the relationship between the artistic mind and operating distributed computer architectures, drawing years of musical training into his approaches for understanding and describing complex systems. He has been both Individual Contributor and Tech Manager in a wide variety of fields involving Operations and Site Reliability Engineering, and writes about topics ranging from step-by-step tutorials and the benefits of remote work to theories about music and technology. In addition to interests in infrastructure management and chaos engineering, Matt creates music with DIY synthesizers and spins all vinyl DJ sets.

Find Matt Davis at

Speaker: James Wickett

Senior Security Engineer @verica_io

James is a dynamic speaker on software engineering topics ranging from security to development practices. He spends a lot of time at the intersection of the DevOps and Security communities, and seeing the gap in software testing, James founded the open source project, Gauntlt, to serve as a Rugged Testing Framework.  

James works as a Sr. Security Engineer and Developer Advocate at Verica, and is he is the author of several courses on DevOps and DevSecOps at LinkedIn Learning. His courses include DevOps Foundations, Infrastructure as Code, DevSecOps: Automated Security Testing, Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), Site Reliability Engineering, and more.  

James is the creator and founder of the Lonestar Application Security Conference, which is the largest annual security conference in Austin, TX. He also runs DevOps Days Austin and Serverless Days Austin. He previously served on the global DevOps Days board.  

In his spare time, he is trying to learn how to make a perfect BBQ brisket.

Find James Wickett at


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