Past Presentations
Better DevEx at Netflix: Polyglot and Containers
A quick scan through Netflix Github repository reveals how deeply invested Netflix engineering has been on Java and the cloud. While both of these remain true, the story has gotten increasingly more complex over time. Growth and various business drivers have propelled Netflix beyond a single...
Mike McGarr
Manager of Developer Productivity @Netflix and Co-Host of the Productivity Engineering Silicon Valley Meetup
Continuous Delivery of Microservices
Microservice architectures are generating a lot of interest lately. These architectures are seen as a way to decompose the complexity of monolithic systems. One of the key benefit of microservice architectures is the agility with which organizations can ship features, reducing time to market....
Sheroy Marker
Head Of Technology - Products @ThoughtWorks
Mike McGarr
Manager of Developer Productivity @Netflix and Co-Host of the Productivity Engineering Silicon Valley Meetup