Presentation: Better DevEx at Netflix: Polyglot and Containers

Track: Developer Experience: Level up Your Engineering Effectiveness

Location: Broadway Ballroom North, 6th fl.

Duration: 1:40pm - 2:30pm

Day of week:

Slides: Download Slides

Level: Intermediate - Advanced

Persona: Architect, Developer

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A quick scan through Netflix Github repository reveals how deeply invested Netflix engineering has been on Java and the cloud. While both of these remain true, the story has gotten increasingly more complex over time. Growth and various business drivers have propelled Netflix beyond a single language company to multi-language support. The rise of containers and diverse programming environments means that the tools written for yesterday, will likely not work for tomorrow.   

In this talk, Mike McGarr (Engineering Leader, Netflix) will talk about the evolution of developer tooling at Netflix, focusing on command line tools they built to address evolving needs around programming languages, containers and more. He will share lessons learned while trying to support diverse programming languages and environments within a centralized team. He will also talk about how containers have played a role on influencing the developer experience at Netflix. Lastly, he will share insights learned by building a platform that enables teams to solve a diverse set of problems.

Speaker: Mike McGarr

Manager of Developer Productivity @Netflix and Co-Host of the Productivity Engineering Silicon Valley Meetup

Mike McGarr is the Engineering Manager for the Netflix Developer Productivity team. He is also a co-host of the Ship Show Podcast. He has been developing Java/JVM-based applications for most of his career and been known to dabble in other languages as well. He is passionate about building quality software through automation. Mike can frequently be found talking about Agile, Continuous Delivery, DevOps, or build and test automation. Prior to joining Netflix, Mike was the Director of DevOps at Blackboard and the founder of the DC Continuous Delivery meetup.

Find Mike McGarr at

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