Presentation: Designing Events-First Microservices

Track: Microservices: Patterns & Practices

Location: Broadway Ballroom North, 6th fl.

Duration: 11:50am - 12:40pm

Day of week:

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Level: Intermediate

Persona: Architect, Developer

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What You’ll Learn

  • Understand the goals and needs of an events-first architecture.
  • Hear how event-driven system increase certainly, resilience, scalability, traceability, and loose coupling.
  • Gain a better understanding of the tools and techniques of event-driven microservice architectures.


In this talk, we will explore the nature of events, what it means to be event-driven, and how we can unleash the power of events and commands by applying an events-first domain-driven design to microservices-based architectures.
We will start by developing a solid theoretical understanding of how to design systems of event-driven microservices. Then we will discuss the practical tools and techniques you can use to reap the most benefit from that design, as well as, most importantly, what to avoid along the way.
We’ll discuss how an events-first design approach to building microservices can improve the following characteristics over competing techniques:
  • increase certainty
  • increase resilience
  • increase scalability
  • increase traceability
  • increase loose coupling
  • reduce risk

Skeptics should definitely attend.


How would you describe the persona and level of the target audience?


My talk is for programmers and architects (from beginners to experienced) that are interested in and intrigued by event-driven systems and event-driven architecture.


What do you want “that” persona to walk away from your talk knowing that they might not have known 50 minutes before?


I will try to give them a theoretical understanding what being event-driven is all about, with enough practical tips to get started applying it to their use-cases, design process, and system architecture.


What trend in the next 12 months would you recommend an early adopter/early majority SWE to pay particular attention to?


The emerging unification of Microservices and Streaming/Fast Data architectures. This includes both using Streaming/Fast Data to analyze large volumes of data in close to real time, getting value from data faster, as it arrives into the services endpoints, as well as bringing the power of Streaming into the Microservices themselves—both as a communication protocol as well as a persistence solution (through event logging)—including both client-to-service and service-to-service communication.

Speaker: Jonas Bonér

Founder & CTO @Lightbend / Creator of Akka

Founder and CTO of Lightbend, inventor of the Akka project, initiator and co-author of the Reactive Manifesto and a Java Champion. Learn more at:

Find Jonas Bonér at

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