Software Legends

Past Presentations

Designing Events-First Microservices

In this talk, we will explore the nature of events, what it means to be event-driven, and how we can unleash the power of events and commands by applying an events-first domain-driven design to microservices-based architectures.   We will start by developing a solid theoretical...

Jonas Bonér Founder & CTO @Lightbend / Creator of Akka
Lyft's Envoy: Embracing a Service Mesh

Over the past several years, facing considerable operational difficulties with its initial microservice deployment primarily rooted in networking and observability, Lyft migrated to a sophisticated service mesh powered by Envoy (, a high-performance distributed proxy...

Matt Klein Creator of Envoy & Software Engineer @Lyft
Efficient Fault Tolerant Java with Aeron Clustering

Distributed systems present a number of challenges. Node failure, unreliable networks, resource starvation, and even the unpredictability of time itself can, and do, make our systems complex and fragile. We deserve and can do better. In this session, we will talk about Aeron Clustering, a new...

Todd Montgomery High Performance Consultant and Previously NASA Researcher
Data Security Dreams and Nightmares

We don’t often hear about successes of data security programs, yet failures in securing data are trumpeted by the media leading to commercial disbarment of anyone associated with a data breach. What lessons did I learn by observing and assisting with data breaches? It is not only how to avoid...

Alex Holden Founder and Chief Information Security Officer @HoldSecurity
Breaking Codes, Designing Jets and Building Teams

Throughout engineering history, focused and empowered teams have consistently achieved the near-impossible. Alan Turing, Tommy Flowers, and their teams at Bletchley Park broke Nazi codes, saved their country, and brought down the Third Reich. Kelly Johnson and the Lockheed Skunk Works designed...

Randy Shoup VP Engineering @WeWork
A Brief, Opinionated History of the API

APIs have been with us for 65 years or so, but what exactly are they, and where did they come from? They come in all shapes, sizes, and disguises. In this talk, we'll discuss the fascinating history of APIs and look at a few prominent examples with an eye to distilling their essence....

Joshua Bloch Author of Effective Java, Lead Design of Java Collection API & Carnegie Mellon Professor


Jonas Bonér Founder & CTO @Lightbend / Creator of Akka

Designing Events-First Microservices

How would you describe the persona and level of the target audience?

My talk is for programmers and architects (from beginners to experienced) that are interested in and intrigued by event-driven systems and event-driven architecture.

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Matt Klein Creator of Envoy & Software Engineer @Lyft

Lyft's Envoy: Embracing a Service Mesh

QCon: You created Envoy. How did you come up with the idea for Envoy?

Matt: I've been working on Internet-scale networking for the last 10 years at places like Amazon, Twitter, and Lyft. The migration of technology stacks from a single language stack to a more polyglot stack over the last five to seven years has made it clear that people are embracing more Microservices architectures. Embracing a stack...

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Alex Holden Founder and Chief Information Security Officer @HoldSecurity

Data Security Dreams and Nightmares

What’s the focus of the work you do today?

We have done a lot of research over the years looking at information security, specifically around breaches. Whether it’s an honest mistake, a not so honest mistake, or pure negligence, breaches cause huge issues to a company and its victims. There’s a resulting correlation between good security and rewards.

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