

Artificial Pancreas System: #WeAreNotWaiting in Healthcare

What happens when an open source community develops around a group of patients who are frustrated with their medical devices? You end up with an artificial pancreas (of course!). Dana Lewis, a founder of the open source artificial pancreas (OpenAPS) movement, discusses open source innovation in...

Dana Lewis Principal Investigator & Researcher
Tackling Computing Challenges @CERN

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is the world's most powerful particle accelerator and is one of the largest and most complicated machines ever built. The LHC has been vital in helping physicists make new discoveries such as the Higgs boson in 2012. Today, the Worldwide LHC Computing...

Maria Girone CTO @CERNopenlab
Multi-Language Infrastructure as Code

We all use programming languages to write expressive, reusable, and powerful application code, with flourishing open source communities, and a bit of fun. One domain that has not yet experienced the same, however, is cloud infrastructure and operations. Most engineers in this domain still use...

Joe Duffy Founder and CEO @PulumiCorp
Building a High-Performance Networking Protocol for Microservices

As more and more applications are distributed, latency is becoming a critical factor in delivering a good user experience. Techniques used in Fintech and Adtech – such as zero copy, flyweights, composite buffers, pooled memory, shared memory transport, direct memory in languages like Java...

Robert Roeser Co-Founder @netifi_inc
Arsalan Farooq CEO @Netifi

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